
Initially appeared on vox.com on 8/16/2009.

It was an "anniversary" run for me as last year's Mitchell's Run Thru Rockford was my first time participating in an organized footrace. At least i'm doing something right despite my recent disappointment with the Reeds Lake 10k, as i finished five minutes faster than last year. At this rate, i'll finish next year's run at around 22 minutes, and in 2013 i should be able to break all records - not to mention some laws of nature - by finishing it in just 2.

It's nice to see my age grade inching ever upwards. Maybe in few more months i can break into 50% and be able to call myself "average." This is also the year that we welcomed my cousin Teena to the club. I think this was her first organized footrace, and it seems that she's already eyeing a few more in the months to come.

Another thing i did yesterday was finally commit to running the Grand Rapids Half Marathon in October. I've been hemming and hawing about it for the past few months but finally ponied up the $63 registration fee. I have serious doubts about being able to complete it in 2 hours, but there's no harm in trying. Another race that i'm mildly interested in is the Every Stride 10k, which appears to be the Michigan site for the Nike Human Race. While the cynic in me believes that the event is only a thinly-veiled marketing ploy to sell Nike products, the wannabe-runner side is at least a little bit intrigued.

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